The bis research foun that black papper enhances the treatments disease, wich manifests itself in physical defack skin. According to statisticts, the disease effects abouth 1% people wordwide.

The king's college in london conducted and analysis based on experiments with labolatoyr mice, dedicated to studying the properties of piperin substances of composition, wich gives black papper sharp flover and pungent aroma.
Synthetic derivatives of the subtance helped stimulate of pigmentation skin of patien suffering from vitiligo - a disease group diharmony skin, wich caracterized by development depigment white spot accour because metabolic disease.
According to researchers, piperin a positive effect in combination of phototeraphy. We have shown that piperin allows stimulate skin pigmentation*, - Dr. Antony young saids photobiology in the king's collage, london.
That datta sugest our futura clinicel piperin trials and derivatives for the treatment of vitiligo. In the new analysis on the search for better treatment method of diseases, sciences found that then using a separate piperin allows correct color wthin six weeks, and conjuction phototherapy, event drack skin can be carred during this period, expect conected.
Vitiligo one most unknown diffical treat of diseases, it a can accour at any age and is manifested by the appereance of white skin pactches, that is, site lacking pigment - melanin. The disease distributed throutout the world in recent years, these hasbeen in crease in the number of patients, adultf, child population, exspecialy amoung young people. The body of many patients not responding to hormone therapy, the rick of developing skin cancer may increase, for that we are must very - very becaruf in we life. Thank's